Do any of these sound familiar?
Every hospital has its own unique challenges. However, in working with hospitals and institutions across the country for over a decade, we’ve found that there are some common threads.
Demand Planning
Healthcare experienced the worst breakdown in its supply chain in 2020 resulting in the inability to get access to critical products and services.
Demand Planning in healthcare requires more than just data. Through demand planning, we help your healthcare facility to project demand that will result in savings for your facility, better assurance of supply, appropriately leverage suppliers with varied geographical and other backgrounds, improved patient safety and addressing your critical lead times.
Product Standardization
Do you have many suppliers of the same type of bandage? Do you only have one supplier of your bandages? Do you know if you have supplies that only one physician uses?
We will help you right-size the number of suppliers providing you products and services. We will identify areas of opportunity and assist you in implementing these opportunities. What does this mean for you?
Identification of primary products, secondary products, and tertiary products
Implementation of those changes by working with your supply chain and clinical teams
Realization of the savings opportunities
Appropriately leverage suppliers
The best part? We help you identify the opportunity, implement, update your internal systems and track your progress on an on-going basis.
Master Data Management (MDM)
It is the norm in healthcare to have many disparate data systems. These systems do not speak to each other and consequently, important information is missed.
In order to allow your data to be accessible to all areas of your facility, a master data management roadmap and implementation plan is a must. We ensure your systems speak to each other in a cohesive manner. We can house your data, build your data warehouse, create reports and visualizations all to bring transparency to the true cost of products and supplies in healthcare.
The end result?
You get to make data-driven decisions backed by the best information available and incorporating predictive analytics instead of relying on past data.
Analytics as a Service
Hiring or expanding your internal supply chain analytics team is expensive.
You need the insights and reporting that an internal analytics team provides. Why not get the value from a world-class analytics team for a fraction of the cost? We will provide you the information, details, and savings opportunities that will go beyond what your distributor or GPO can provide. We will tie your utilization to patient outcomes, for an end-to-end view of how your supply chain impacts the patient.
What do you get at the end of the day?
Savings, cost elimination without sacrificing quality
Budget adjustment: how do you make those savings projects a financial reality? Adjust the budgets. In healthcare the budget is a nuanced process that happens each year. We help you implement your financial savings into the budget, allowing for those funds to be used elsewhere.
Utilization opportunities: Are you using the right products, at the right time, in the right amount? Leveraging our clinical team, we can help identify and implement utilization opportunities for additional savings.